Tuesday, August 20, 2013

30 Before 30

This idea was totally stolen...

... but I think it was created for others to steal.  I recently read about a guy from Hoboken, NJ named Jonathan Verpent started a plan on his 29th birthday to complete 30 good deeds before the 30th anniversary of his birth.  His deeds included simple things like just donating money to the American Red Cross or more involved work like volunteering to help clean up following Hurricane Sandy.  For his final deed he traveled to South Africa to help build a community center.

I'm positive this guy wasn't in his final year of veterinary school when he started his mission.  I'm almost sure he wasn't 3 months away from taking the biggest exam of his life, and I could be wrong but I'm willing to bet he was not a quarter-of-a-million dollars in debt going into his first good deed.  I'll admit it, there's no way I can start a summer camp for kids in the ghetto in my free time.  I'm stressed the hell out.  I'm always tired.  I'm always worried about the future and preparing myself for the next big thing.  I worry about everything.  And I just completed my 29th full year of being alive on July 21 of this year.

I'm a privileged bastard.  Don't get me wrong, nothing's been handed to me, but I have never felt like something was out of reach for me.  I was raised by a crew of hard-working, greasy, manicotti-wielding, loud and stubborn Italians that never took no for an answer and did whatever it took to make it (and chased me with a wooden spoon if I talked back).  I have parents that would do anything for me and have always been there to pick me up when I screwed up bad enough to fall hard.  I understand that there's a lot of people out there, a lot of kids out there, that don't have that security blanket.  I think it's time to give back...

So my wife (who also just turned 29) and I agreed to give this a try.  We are making a list of missions we want to complete this year.  Some are simple (like donate blood for the first time ever and not pass out... :/ ) and others might take a little more work (like visit a children's hospital with puppies from the humane society).  Some might be vacations with a spin but everything will have good intentions to make a difference.

Next August we might have only helped my neighbor jump start her car, or maybe this will be called the 5 or 6 good deeds before 30.  In any case we are doing what we can to try to give back.

Stay tuned,


Have an idea on how we can give back? Comment below!
For more information about Jonathan Verpent see his website, 30deeds.com